Sunday, March 6, 2022

Blogging A to Z 2022

First, a shout out to Anjela Curtis, who has been chosen as the new graphics creator for the Blogging A to Z Challenge. Congrats!

And a display of the commemorative badge for Jeremy Hawkins (RIP):

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

And once again, I have decided to do the A to Z blogging again this year. This will be my second time. My first was just last year. Though the theme reveal doesn't start till tomorrow, I have decided to post mine today. I will add it to the list at the A to Z blog when it opens tomorrow. My theme for 2022 is...

Forgotten TV Shows

I don't talk a lot about TV here on the blog, but when trying to find a possible theme, this idea entered my mind, along with other themes such as the 80s, childhood memories and even about writing. But the TV idea kept running through my mind, so I went with that one. I wasn't sure about doing the A to Z at first this year, but once I got this idea in my mind, I decided to go through with it. I then looked for shows to fit each letter, though for some of the hard letters, I had to pick something I never saw or barely remember. Just need to do a little digging. I mean, those who have written books on TV have had to research stuff that was on before they were born. So this won't be any different. Having not seen something doesn't mean you don't "know" about it.  I don't plan to get into too many details, but will provide some links to info on each show listed and Youtube clips when available. I will say what I can remember. 

Meanwhile, I have been researching things for this topic and will try to begin my posts as soon as possible, queueing them in my draft folder. Last year, I usually started them the day before and kept them as drafts until it was time to post. I don't know how long it will take to complete the posts, or how early I'm going to start them. But I will do what it takes to get them done in time.

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Theme Reveal


Lisa said...

This is a really good theme! I'll be interested in what shows you come up with, and whether I remember them or have even heard of them.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Fun theme! I like discovering new (to me) TV shows. And I am curious what you have found for each letter...
Happy Theme Reveal!

The Multicolored Diary

CAAC said...


This sounds like a fun theme. It'll be great to get a refresher on those forgotten TV series while walking down memory lane. It'll be neat to make some new discoveries with this series, too. TV shows were a lot better then than now, so were movies and that could be a good one of another year. Anyway best of luck to you in your second year with the A to Z Challenge, my dear. Thanks for stopping by! ;)

Sandra Cox said...

This will be fun. Good call, Jamie.

JazzFeathers said...

Old TV shows is always a great theme. I'm sure you'll do very well :-)

The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Enter the New Woman

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

About TV shows and why they are forgotten? Interesting issue.
Theme revealed. A to Z - Activities, Competencies, Education and Training of Engineering Supervisors

Cheryl said...

This sounds like a fabulous theme. I can't wait to check it out.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Sandra Cox said...

Have a productive one;)

bookworm said...

Interesting topic and interesting to see what you come up with - so many to choose from. Alana

Kay said...

Good luck on your TV theme. This will be fun!

Arlee Bird said...

Welcome back to another A to Z Challenge! Your theme sounds like an interesting one. Especially for me since most of my TV watching was back when I was younger. Maybe you'll spark some old memories for me.

I wish you well with your April posts.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Our Theme Reveal 2022

ghostmmnc said...

It will be fun to see your posts, since we have similar themes this year. Happy A to Z Blogging! :)