Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A Little More Than Two Weeks Left ...

 ... until people will stop seeing the following in their mailboxes:

Now only junk mail and bills will be in the boxes ☹️ I've always loved seeing these iconic red envelopes arrive, with and without the holiday doodles. Even though the service is about to end, envelopes this year had doodles to celebrate 25 years of Netflix. So weird that they chose to end celebrate something that's about to end. 

I now wonder how many more discs I will have coming during the remainder of the month. There are still about 20 titles left in my queue. I've been trying to eliminate titles I can see on streaming without paying. I have a feeling, though, that  a lot of the ones toward the bottom of the queue may not be available on streaming. Some are pretty obscure.  I may still get DVDs from the library, so I may see if some of the titles are available there, though some are not likely to be so. And even though library DVDs are free, at my library, we only get them for two weeks (though it did only used to be ONE week).  

Even without DVDs in a red envelope arriving every two to three days, I'm not about give up my player and the ones I already have. I knew I wanted to get "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" and did do through Amazon. I now want to get the "Barbie" movie. At Target, I saw the Peanuts Halloween DVD for $10 and I am now considering getting that one. The Peanuts holidays specials are no longer available on TV, and the last year or so, I've been borrowing them from the library. This way I can see it when I want to, as many times as I choose. Netflix may be done with DVDs, but I'm not. Not now.


Lady M said...

I am so sorry this is ending. It sounds like a service you really enjoyed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, that's the problem with streaming services. Old or more obscure movies aren't available there. And often those are the best kind!

DrumMajor said...

I never used that service, but I still have lots of DVDs. I'm not paying for anything but the square flat plastic antenna in my window that I bought for a one-time cost of $40. I'd love to have Hallmark channel though. Linda in Kansas

Sandra Cox said...

We still do DVDs too:)