Friday, October 11, 2024

Book Discussion: Spooky Reads for October


For this month, I selected the following spooky reads:

I've been curious about the Dana Girls series. I ordered the first book form Amazon last year, and found this one at a thrift store earlier this year. Since there is ghost involved, I chose to read it this month. I used it for this prompt and this one.

An attempt at reading a classic I've never been brave enough to read. I got this from the library this week. This already seems daunting!

Not sure if this could be considered spooky (I don't think it scared me!) But just having the word "devil" in the title made me choose this it for this monthly prompt. I already had three books from this series I'd gotten at Goodwill, one of which I'd already read.

I have the prompt paranormal romance in a least two challenges this year and I've been curious about this series. It currently has six books, and this is the first. The cover is reminiscent of that of the Twilight series, which is four books. I attempted to borrow this from the library a year or two ago, but it was out and not retuned when due, so I gave up on it then. But I knew I'd get another chance eventually, and that chance is now. I have to see how much I like this first one to see if I want to read the rest of the series. The way I've been going with reading series, though, I probably will read this one sporadically, if I choose to read any more of the series. 

I read the first book in this series in 2021. I barely remember the first one, but decided to read this one and am currently reading it. This book and Crave both have more than 500 pages, so I was hesitant about reading two books of that length in one month. But I'm going to make it work!

Not exactly spooky, but I just had to read the following for this month. Both fit the month. I wanted to get some fun Halloween stuff as well. 

Since the RIP challenge runs in September and October, I got started on it then, with three books for the challenge in September.

Who else has spooky reads planned this month?

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