Saturday, October 8, 2016

Candy Corn Craze

It's a CANDY CORN Craze!!! Fall is the perfect time of year for Candy Corns! Come check out the best crafts, goodies and decor from the BEST of Bloggeres!

Just like Pumpkin Spice, Candy Corn seems to find its way onto many things, including non-food items. See the slide show at this link.

There are even Candy Corn costumes, one made by the same company as the Pumpkin Spice one.  I'd briefly considered this one the year I bought the Pumpkin Spice one. Now It seems to be unavailable :(

Fruity Licious  Candi Korn  Adult Costume

I also found this variation on the candy corn costume:
Image result for candy corn costume

And Candy Corn witch costumes:

Adult Candy Corn Witch Costume

Has the candy corn craze gotten out of hand?


Stephanie Faris said...

I actually like candy corn. Those costumes are adorable, but I haven't bought a costume in a while so I'm out of the loop!

Jamie Ghione said...

I do like candy corn, don't get me wrong. I make sure to get at least one bag each Halloween season :-) I like the Mellow Cream Pumpkins as well.