Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Book Buying

Is this you?

Yes, I can be this way. But in the last few weeks or so, I have not felt compelled to buy any books. Even after going the monthly book sale at our local library or stopping at Goodwill. Nothing I saw interested me then and there. I got an Amazon card for Christmas, which I used to buy this writing kit. I got a $25 Visa gift card for my birthday, which I plan to use on Amazon. I may now get another of the writing kits in this series, but am uncertain just yet. I have sen some books that look interesting, but I cannot find them at my library, but am unsure about buying them. Well, maybe if they can be found at a thrift store, though that hasn't been the case recently. One thrift store in my town I have not been visiting lately, seemingly because of lack of time or compulsion to stop in the first place.

And I certainly have more than 10 books at home to read! But I still keep going to the library when the ones I have at home don't fit any of my challenge prompts. And so many of them don't--at least right now. But they will be read--someday.

Posting to:

Discussion Challenge


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I try to keep handwritten lists of "books to read" rather than buying them on spec. Save me a lot of money when it turns out I don't read them after all!

Sandra Cox said...

Great way to use your gift card:)

Sandra Cox said...

You can't have too many books, right?:)

My name is Erika. said...

Me too. I have so many books, and I can't stop buying them when I see something good. But you can never have too many books, can you?