Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Discussion Challenge: 20 Books for January


This may not surprise most of you who already read by blog regularly. Yes, I get a lot each month, so I was not surprised myself 🙂 Sorry, not trying to brag here 🙂
This was how my year in reading began for 2024.

I often try to listen to short audiobooks and read short e-books each month, and do so on the first days of each month, if possible. The shorter they are, the shorter time it takes to complete them and less extra time staring at screens. Exactly why I prefer physical books.

I don't want to have to name each book for each month, but I'd like to say that there are a few new authors I've read in the last month and year, something I may talk about more in another post.


Sandra Cox said...

Great job reading!

Sandra Cox said...

Good on you for trying new authors.