Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fonts Used So Far in My Work-in-Progress

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂   

Fonts I Have Used So Far in My Work-in-Progress. I managed to find 13 of them, several of which I had not used previously.






Sign Painter


Brush Script



American Typewriter



The first five are already in Blogger. I have preferred to use Verdana on my posts. The others in Pages I had to copy into my post. Blogger also allows users to add new fonts. I clicked to see some of those available. Many of them do not appear in Pages. I've only liked at some of those right now, so as not to get too carried away :) I don't know if I will add any new ones to use on my blog posts. I'm a bit satisfied with the ones I already use.

The script fonts displayed worked well as chapter headlines.  How I chose each one I am not certain. I obviously don't remember what others I tried but ended up not using, for now. I'm not sure if I will attempt to download new ones into Pages. I get hesitant about doing things like this. I already have more than enough to experiment with, as I go on with my WIP.


colleen said...

I read it as a poem. Like a list of flowers sound poetic.

Lisa said...

Interesting to see what other people choose from Blogger's font! I usually just leave it to default, but on my poetry blog I sometimes use different ones to separate things.

CountryDew said...

Now I want to know how to add new fonts to my Blogger. I will have to check that out.

Liz A. said...

I was obsessed with fonts once upon a time. I still will play with them, especially when making slides for various classes. (There's an add on in Google called Extensis Fonts that I can't get enough of.)

I like Tahoma for everyday stuff. (It's a very easy sans serif.) I've lately become enamored of Monserrat in Google. But my favorite font of all time is Gigi. And Cherries Black. Those I usually have to find an add on for as they no longer seem to be in Word.

My name is Erika. said...

I think fonts are fascinating, and what surprises me is how different ones work better or worse with different things. They're fun to play with though. I'm and Ariel person or Times New Roman, although when I was teaching we learned about how Ariel is the easiest for everyone to read and process. Have a great start to the weekend.

Sandra Cox said...

You are more adventurous than I am and that's a good thing;) Have a grand weekend.