Saturday, January 8, 2022

2022 Reading Challenge @ Foggy Pine

I'm trying not to sign up for too many more of these, but I liked doing this one, so I will be in again. I'm not seeing too many more I want to do.

Main Challenge

  1. A book by a disabled author: The Kiss Quotient--Helen Hoang

  2. A book with a purple cover: Kamala: Feminist Folktales From Around the World--Ethel Johnston Phelps

  3. A book with magical realism: The Time Traveler's Wife--Audrey Niffenegger

  4. A modern experimental novel: Breath, Eyes, Memory--Edwidge Danticat

  5. A true crime book: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil--John Berendt

  6. A memoir by a BIPOC author: How to Be an Antiracist--Ibram X. Kendi

  7. A book by a British author: The Cactus--Sarah Haywood

  8. A book that has been translated from its original language: Strange Tales From a Chinese Studio--Pu Songling

  9. A book by an author from North Carolina: Calypso--David Sedaris

  10.  A historical fiction that takes place BEFORE 1800: Guenevere Queen of the Summer Country--Rosalind Miles

  11.  A classic novel: Castle Rackerent and The Absentee--Maria Edgworth

  12.  A winner of The John Newbery Medal (2010-2021): When You Trap a Tiger--Tae Keller

Extra Credit

  1. A YA book with a queer protagonist: Jay's Gay Agenda--Jason June

  2. A contemporary romance novel: The Summer of Jordi Perez--Amy Spalding

  3. A nonfiction graphic novel (any age level): Dancing at the Pity Party--Tyler Feder

  4. A biography of a queer person: People of Pride--Chase Clemesha, MD

  5. A book about self-care: The XX Brain--Lisa Mosconi, PhD

  6. A book of poetry by an American poet: Call Us What We Carry--Amanda Gorman


     Magical Realism: a literary genre or style associated especially with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction
    Experimental Novel: a novel that breaks the conventions of it’s time, often playing with genre definitions or various conventions established within the literary canon. They’re typically meant to express new ideas or explore established ideas in new ways
    BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, Person of Color
    For our purposes, we consider classics to be books that are still held in high regard in public opinion that have been published 50 years ago or more
    Link – John Newbery Medal winners for years 2010-2021

    Challenge completed on November 14


Sandra Cox said...

That's a pretty healthy challenge.
Happy Birthday;)

Sandra Cox said...

Ooh, I like #9:)