The theme reveal closed yesterday for the A to Z Blogging, and next week the Master List sign up begins. Those who did not participate in the theme reveal will have to sign up on the master list if they want to join the A to Z.
I have looked over the theme reveal list and have seen a lot of writing themes. I feel this is one I should do for a future A to Z event. It was one I had considered last year before deciding on the TV theme. So far no one this year has had a TV-related theme. Mythology, travel and food seem to be common themes this year. One mythology-based theme will be at this blog. This sounds pretty intriguing!
There are some some bloggers who do not have a theme at all, since themes are not necessary. Just random postings are fine for A to Z. And some chose to unofficially participate in the A to Z, as noted in this blog post. The unofficial participants are known as the A to Z Rebels. This makes even more posts to read. Trying to decide what blogs to read is always hard, since there are always so many joining. The Post-A to Z Road trip that begins in May allows bloggers to view participating blogs that they don't get to in April.
Meanwhile, I have been searching and saving images I plan to use for my posts. It was hard narrowing each letter down to just one topic, so there will be more than one per letter, though a few letters offer only a few choices. In 2021, when I did the events of 2020, I had more than one topic per letter as well, but during last year's Forgotten TV Shows theme, I only chose one show per letter. (A few letters were hard to find just one show for!)