Saturday, March 30, 2024

Looking Into April

#AtoZChallenge 2024

I still can't believe it's almost here. Two more days until the A to Z madness begins. I've drafted all my posts, as I've already said, and am still editing them. Each one will be edited just a little more right before it goes live on its designated letter day. As always, I am eager to see what other bloggers come up with for the annual event, and am awaiting comments on my posts and others' posts as well. 

I do not know how often I will be on my blog next month other than A to Z, even though we will be off on Sundays. It depends on how much writing energy I have then, and how I'm feeling after my upcoming medical procedure. I'll have to be up by 2 AM that morning, so I'll have enough time to post before going to the doctor. I have never done scheduled posts, but I may look into that for a while, depending on how I feel right before and after the procedure. Have any of you done scheduled posts on your blogs? One reason I am glad to have drafted the posts in advance. A bit (if not a whole lot) of work was needed, so it made sense to begin early.

It may almost be April, but it has been raining in my neck of the woods. Certainly not feeling like spring to me. How much longer I'll need a sweater I cannot tell just yet. 

Please join me starting on Monday. I'd love to hear your comments.


Elephant's Child said...

Good luck with your procedure. And the A-Z. I do schedule some posts and it works like a charm.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I always schedule my posts. It's so much easier and convenient, at least for me.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm curious about this A-Z. I'll look forward to finding out about it in April. Have a great rest of your weekend, and happy Easter if you celebrate.

Kay said...

I always schedule my posts ahead of time. In fact, right now I've got two weeks worth done. Granted, I post on just M-W-F. I don't like to be pressured to come up with something the day before. :-)
Good luck with your medical procedure. I certainly understand the nervousness that comes before any medical procedure.

suesconsideredtrifles said...

I'm visiting back from the A to Z Challenge, Jamie. I schedule all my posts except on my blog, Sue's words and pictures. You have chosen an interesting theme for the A to Z and done a lot of research. (I have looked at your posts for the first week.)
I wish you well for your procedure.