Sunday, April 21, 2024

Procedure Last Week

Well, my colonoscopy went well. Last Monday I had an EKG and a urine test at the hospital hours before I began drinking the cleansing solution. I'd bought a box of adult pull-ups the night before at Dollar Tree and began wearing them that morning. As people had told me, I needed to be in the bathroom a lot! At first I sat in the kitchen to drink the stuff, then moved to the bathroom once the need to use the toilet began. I barely slept at all on Monday, and did not shower on Tuesday before the procedure. My cousin drove me to the hospital and her son picked me up afterward. I did not fell anything during the procedure. A day and half without solid food me very hungry and I immediately had some cereal once I got home. I immediately felt better as the rest of the day went on. I spent most of the two days lying in bed.

I'd begun scheduling my posts starting on the 5th, to see how it works. It's been great, and the rest of the A to Z posts have been scheduled for their designated letter days. This was especially a good idea for the timeliness of the posts and for day of my procedure. Originally, I was to have been up at 2AM that morning, per the instructions that were sent to me regarding the solution I was to drink. The instructions had been for a two-bottle, two-dose solution, that I was to have begun on Monday at 6PM, and Tuesday at 2AM. But the hospital sent a 4-liter jug instead. So I now had to begin on Monday at 3PM, taking a dose every 10 minutes until the bottle was gone. I no longer had to be up at 2AM, but I'm sure I was awake by then, since I barely got any sleep on Monday night. 

I'm glad it's over now. It was said to be normal, and they now recommend having one every five years. 


Liz A. said...

It sounds like an ordeal. It's good that it's now over.

Elephant's Child said...

I am very happy for you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad everything went well! Yeah, the cleanse is the worst part. Now you can get back to regular life again!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Glad it was normal. My first one I did as directed. My 2nd one I did as I thought was best for me. I didn't start at 6pm. I knew from the 1st one I'd be up all night. I started in the afternoon, so I got some sleep. That's the worst part, otherwise, it's a great nap! :-)

Pradeep Nair said...

Glad to know it's over and it all went off well.