Sunday, March 9, 2025

2025 Blogging A to Z Theme Reveal


AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2025 #atozchallenge

The day is here! Time to reveal my theme for Blogging A to Z 2025. The theme is...


Novelty songs

This idea came to me a while ago. I wasn't sure of any other theme ideas, so I went with this one. As always, some letters are tricky like Q, X, and Z. And some letters offer more than one choice, making it hard to pick just one. I'm still deciding on a few. For some of the ones I have already chosen there may be some debate as to whether they count as a novelty song. But if they seem close enough, I'll count them. I had to go with a few I'm only somewhat familiar with. Two others in last year's challenge had similar themes. I didn't want to duplicate too many of the songs each of them had used, but there were some I just had to use. Those were too hard to resist 😉

I will begin drafting my posts as soon as possible and schedule them as I did with last year's A to Z. That was my first time ever using schedule-posting. It came in handy for the timely event and the fact that I had to get my colonoscopy  done last year in April. No need for one this year; they said every five years 🙂 I want get the posts done this month so I can spend more time blog hopping in April. I don't know how often I'll be on the blog then outside of the A to Z, even though we will be off on Sundays. I want to use one of those days to make a Book Discussion challenge, as I did last April. Still unsure about the Thursday 13--I may take the month off from that one. My monthly book bingo post usually comes out on the third of each month, but last April, I delayed posting it until the first Sunday. I plan to do it that way again this April. I made two Sunday bonus posts relating to my A to Z theme last year, both of which were planned the day of posting. The Book Discussion post was also planned they day it was posted. We'll see how Sundays go in April. 

Be sure to visit in April for the alphabet madness. I can't wait to see what others come up with. Some have already posted their theme reveals and many sound fun. More reveals to come this week.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, what a FUN theme! I'm looking forward to seeing which novelty songs you pick!

Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit said...

I'm not sure what a novelty song is so i look forward to learning!

Lisa said...

That sounds interesting! I can't think of a lot of novelty songs, so I'll be looking forward to what you come up with. Yes, those pesky letters, Q,X, and Z!