Sunday, March 16, 2025

Drafting A to Z Posts


#AtoZChallenge 2025

All last week I began drafting my posts for the A to Z. I wanted to get an early start so I can have time to look them over, which I already have been doing! They re currently in the draft folder, and once I get them polished up, I will schedule each for its designated letter day. I'm trying to decide how early to post each one. I will post each one in early in the morning, so it will live before I get up (which may be the case in most instances). For last year's A to Z, I did not begin the schedule-posting until the fifth day. It worked so well for such an event. I was glad to have learned about it a month or so earlier so that I could schedule-post on the day of a medical exam I had last April (some of you may already know about this). 

I'll be squeezing in as many posts as I can for the rest of this month, while awaiting the A to Z madness. By scheduling my posts, I should have more time to view and comment on other people's posts. I'm always excited to see what other come up with. The theme reveal (which is optional) closed yesterday, and the official signups begin next week. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It pays off to be organized!

Liz A. said...

It makes things so much easier to schedule in advance. I generally have my posts go live at 6 AM my time, but I'm on the west coast, so that's pretty late for most everyone else.