Thursday, March 6, 2025

Book Humor--Thursday 13

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂  

In honor of having a new bookstore in town and making my first purchase this past Saturday at a signing, I picked some cartoons about books. Some I had saved a year or more ago. Some I've shared already, some I haven't.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, these are all great -- my faves are Book Hospital and Books on Tape!

Kim said...

The Leo book genre is accurate! I love these memes, and truly identify with most of them!