Monday, March 24, 2025

Looking Into Next Month


#AtoZChallenge 2025

Just a little over a week until the alphabet madness begins. The official sign-ups begin this week. As soon as I revealed my theme two weeks ago, I then began drafting my posts. They are now scheduled for each of their designated letter days. Yes, I have a whole month of posts scheduled. I've only been using schedule-posting since last year's A to Z, but I didn't begin it then until the fifth day, though all my posts had been drafted a month earlier. 

I'm not sure who many more posts I'll be doing this month. I have a Thursday 13 scheduled for this week that ties in with the A to Z. Whether I'm going to do Thursday 13 in April remains to be seen. If I do, it will be done either the day of, or scheduled a day or so beforehand. If not, I'll be back in May. I'm trying to limit my non-A to Z posts to Sundays, since we are off then. I hope to get in a Book Blog Discussion post on one of the Sundays, and will be posting my Reading Bingo card for April on the first Sunday. Any other Sunday posts, if any, will be determined. This is how I did it last April. 

And I'm not certain how many more posts I'll get in for the rest of March. I'm a little worn-out from preparing my A to Z posts that I'm not sure what else to post. I had to get in a Book Blog Discussion post for this month. I try to do at least one a month. As I said, I have already scheduled a post for Thursday 13 this week. 

It's going to be a fun month of letter madness.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

No one would blame you for having a little rest for the last week of March!

Liz A. said...

Yeah, there's enough going on blogging wise in April without doing the other hops and memes that we usually do. (Unless you're me, and you do a normal month, just fitting the post to the letter of the day.)

Elephant's Child said...

Well done for getting your A-Z posts scheduled.

Sandra Cox said...

Woot. Woot. On having those posts ready to roll. That's a great A-Z meme.