Monday, April 10, 2023

H for...

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter H


I loved and collected various items with hearts on them, mainly stickers. I particularly liked the rainbow hearts stickers. (More on stickers to come.) Not sure what else I had with hearts on it, perhaps notebooks for school.


This was one of my favorite toy lines as a child. I had the rag doll as well as the purse with the doll in the front pocket, and the previously mentioned Colorfoms set. I may have had some stickers, too. Not sure what else I had of her, but I did like this character a lot.

One person from school confused Holly Hobbie with another similar character Betsey Clark. I think I may have had some stickers of Betsey Clark, but don't think I had any toys. In fact, I was not aware of any Betsey Clark dolls at that time. But after searching, I discovered they did make them. I liked Betsey Clark, too, even if I didn't have a lot of her merchandise.


Another character I liked a lot was Hello Kitty and other characters made by Sanrio.  A Sanrio store at a nearby mall as one of my favorite places to go to. Hello, Kitty, My melody and Little Twin Stars were most collected Sanrio characters.

Among the things I can remember, I had a Hello Kitty pencil case that looked something like this:

And the previously mentioned My Melody autograph album:

Not sure what I had with Little Twin Stars, but I know I liked them, too:

These were the Sanrio characters I remember the most. 


No doubt you've seen photos like these on Facebook in recent years:

I was never one to wear my hair this way. At one point, I had a fear of getting laughed at for trying to be like others. Also, this just wasn't my style (no pun intended).

And freaky hairstyles are often associated with heavy-metal bands, known as 

Hairspray was everywhere, though I was not a big user.

These are some of the hairspray bands that were big back then. 

And there was also gel and coloring for hair, things I avoided. Never saw the need for them. But I still remember seeing these things in ads.

And numerous celebrities promoted different shampoos on TV. I remember most of these, even if I never used some of them.

Faberge organic shampoo had this famous ad:

I somehow got creeped out by this commercial: 

Many had at least one of these items.I'm not sure which I these I had then, but I certainly did not have that huge case.  I currently have a Scrunchie or two--newer ones, but cannot recall having them then. I'm pretty sure I had the hair pick, though 🙂



HEADING out for now.  I'LL be seeing you again tomorrow.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love those rainbow hearts! I was never a big user of hairspray or hair products either.

Bernadette said...

Hello kitty was the best! I had the pencil case which I loved. It had so many compartments to put erasers in etc. They had make -up too like lip gloss and blush but I never had any. I missed out on holly hobbie though

Sandra Cox said...

These brought back so many memories of when my daughter was growing up,particularly the stickers, Holly Hobbie and Hello Kitty:)

Dave Roller said...

Visiting from the A to Z challenge. I read your post earlier today and I really enjoyed it. My sister had Holly Hobbie Walpaper in her room and after I graduated in college she was in our older sister's old room and I stayed in her room for the summer before I moved away and it still had the Holly Hobby wallpaper. She also had Holly Hobby bed sheets which I think are still around somewhere.

Deborah Weber said...

Those hair styles creep me out. They kind of seem like fire hazards, :)

ghostmmnc said...

So many things I remember from your list of H things. I probably had, or my kids had some of all of these things. Fun to look back at it all. :0