Friday, October 27, 2023

Costume Reveal

It took a while before I came to a decision. I must confess, I nearly went with the Barbie idea, but decided against it. My next choice was the Crazy Cat Lady, then Rapunzel, but I quickly ruled out the latter, not knowing how I'd do the long braid. If I ever go with that option again, I'd have to have a whole lot of planning. 

And yet another idea I had bene toying with for some time was a colonial costume. While looking for examples on line, I came across this costume. I considered this one. Then I came across this:

I then decided Clara Barton it will be. Something not so trendy, that others may not think of.

Not wanting to spend a lot online, I looked for a way to make one myself. I found a navy blue graduation gown I'd gotten from Goodwill a year or so ago. I don't know what I was going to do with it then, but decided it will work for this year's idea. The gown is pictured below:

Next I had to find an apron, which was a bit of a challenge. At first, I didn't want have to use Amazon, but finding one in stores is a bit scarce these days, and not one could be found anywhere in my town. So Amazon it was, and I ordered this one. It arrived a little later than expected. Another challenge was how to make a Red Cross symbol. A long time ago, our town had several variety where felt could be purchased. Felt would have bene the best way to do it. But it's not an option, so I printed out a Red Cross for the Internet and glued it to the apron (see below):

And the cap. I had seen this video on Youtube and decided to make one:

And here is mine:

I will be going out tomorrow night. And we will have a party at work on Monday. Pictures to come!


DrumMajor said...

wonderful outfit! You must educate folks on what Clara Barton did and what years! Linda in Kansas

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very clever how you put the red cross on the apron! And that mob cap looks fab! Looking forward to photos of you in your costume! Good choice.