Saturday, October 28, 2023

Halloween Art, Pancakes, and Pumpkins

One the last month, at the center, we have been doing Halloween-themed art and cooking activities.

One was painting pumpkins and gourds bought during the pumpkin patch trip.

This picture (and the one below)
is of the one I painted

A drawing class was held in which the mentor did a step-by-step drawing of Frankenstein, which the participants flowed, each getting different results. Mine is the pic in the middle.

Another day, we decorated skulls (flat representations):

Mine is the one in the middle.

And for cooking day this month, we made pancakes that we got to decorate with whipped cream, chocolate chips, gummy worms, candy corn and Dots Candy. I only got two pictures of the decorated pancakes, including mine (in the first photo). Some people opted out of decorating theirs.

We also did door decorating and will be having a contest at the party on Monday. No pictures, but hope to get some then, after the winner is chosen. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I just love how you painted your pumpkin -- it's the best one, so arty! Love your other art too. I bet the ones who opted out of decorating their pancakes with all that candy were the diabetics in the crowd.

Lady M said...

Your pumpkins are stunning!

Kay said...

Oh wow! I can see you are having a lot of Halloween fun!