Sunday, October 8, 2023

October Heatwave


This has been true this past week. It was probably even more than 97 each day. Walking through the pumpkin patch with tennis shoes and long pants was quite sweaty! I had to change out of them once I returned home. And I got some hay in one of my shoes while at the patch. 

Even with the heat yesterday, I was able to have people over, a rarity for me. Both go to the mental health center, and one, like me, is another mentor. It was a fun day, ending with a stop at Starbucks. I'd never been in one, since I don't drink coffee. As such I tried their Strawberry Acai with Lemonade, something new to me. We ended up being the only ones sitting on the patio, because it was getting noisy inside.

Now the the weather is expected to cool down. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy the remaining nice weather before cooler temps blow in. Your Starbucks drink sounds very refreshing -- I don't drink Starbucks coffee myself because it is way too strong-tasting for me. The only time I buy coffee at Starbucks is when I need a triple shot espresso for making tiramisu.

Elephant's Child said...

I hope you enjoyed your time with your friends. I have never been in a Starbucks either though I think we have them here now.