Thursday, March 6, 2025

Book Humor--Thursday 13

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂  

In honor of having a new bookstore in town and making my first purchase this past Saturday at a signing, I picked some cartoons about books. Some I had saved a year or more ago. Some I've shared already, some I haven't.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, these are all great -- my faves are Book Hospital and Books on Tape!

Kim said...

The Leo book genre is accurate! I love these memes, and truly identify with most of them!

Liz A. said...

Reading is definitely for the fair skinned. Books on tape is too funny.

My name is Erika. said...

These are great. Thanks for sharing.

Lady M said...

I love the stack of books on the bedside table. That is so me.