Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Memoir Reading Challenge 2018

I'm bringing back my Memoir Reading Challenge for 2018. This year, however, I'm doing it differently, as a checklist. To participate, you must read a minimum of five memoirs from any of the categories listed. One book can only count for one category. Re-reads are acceptable.  You do not need a blog to participate. All book formats count. 

Books must be read on or after January 1, 2018 to count.
Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2018.
Books may cross over to other challenges in which you are participating. 

Books must be labeled as memoirs to count. Need some reading ideas?
Here are some lists to get ideas for reading:

Goodreads Memoir Book Lists
10 Famous Memoirs Everyone Should Read Once
17 Memoirs By Women
Best Celebrity Memoirs of All Time
Fictional Memoirs

Here are the reading categories:

__1. Mental Illness Memoir

__2. Other Illness Memoir
__3. Political Memoir
__4. Food Memoir
__5. Animal Memoir
__6. Music Memoir
__7. Other Arts Memoir
__8. Written by a person of color
__9. Written by a woman
__10. Written by a person who identifies as LGBTQIA
__11. Written by an actor or a comedian
__12.Written by an author or journalist
__12. Written by any other celebrity
__13.Written by someone under 40
__14. Written by someone over 40
__15. Written by someone from a country different from your own
__16. Memoir of high school or college events
__17. One you find thought-provoking
__18. Made into a movie
__19. Graphic novel memoir
__20. Bestselling memoir
__21. Humorous memoir
__22. Fictional memoir
__23. Published in 2018
__24. Published in 2017 or earlier
__25. Under 300 pages
__26. Over 300 pages
__27. One you want to re-read
__28. Subject of your choice
__29. Author of your choice
__30. Free choice
__31. Free choice
__32. Free choice


Elephant's Child said...

Memoirs are always high on my go-to list.

Heather G. said...

Memoirs are so great. I love them! I'm going to add this to my ever-growing list of reading challenges next year! Thank you!

Darlene said...

I'm in! I have enjoyed your 2017 Memoir Bingo Reading Challenge, and I've read more memoirs than I thought that I would. It definitely stretched me as a reader, so thanks for that!

Sherrie said...

Hi Jamie,
I have always wanted to read more memoirs, so this is the perfect reading challenge. Thanks for hosting. Have a great day!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Oooh, I'm so happy to see the re-read option (#27), and already have a book in mind for that. ;)

Anonymous said...

This sounds very interesting. Count me in!

Unknown said...

I'm in! Don't have a blog though.

Unknown said...

I'm in!

Unknown said...

I'm glad I found this reading challenge. Memoirs have become my jam lately.