Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Going Outside to Write

Even though I don't consider myself much of an outdoor person, I decided yesterday to try going outside to write. I took a walk to a local park surrounded by houses. Since it was a weekday and most kids were still in school, the park was mostly empty except for one woman and two small children. A resident across the street was washing her truck, with her dogs gathering around as she squirted the hose. And I spotted the mail truck parked by the park sidewalk at one point. 

I had been wanting to try something like this, having heard about it somewhere. I'm not sure exactly where I had heard about it, but here is an article I found on the subject (the  picture below is also from the link).

Since I use a desktop, I don't have to worry about the glare from a  screen while outside. I go, as the link says, the old-school way. I took a note book with me. That is always a good idea, even if you have a laptop. This will definitely cause less glare and will be easier to carry, depending on how far you have to walk.

I too sat at a park bench for most of the time I was there, changing benches once, then later sitting on the grass. Since the park wasn't busy, it was rather calming to be there, just sitting and trying to describe on paper all that I saw from the park. As I said, I had been wanting to try this at least once and felt yesterday as a good day. I'd felt less compelled to do so in the summertime because of the hot weather. Taking walks in the sinner is basically limited to around five or six PM when the weather starts to cool down. Now that it's getting darker earlier and less hot, taking walks must now be done before 4PM.

Overall, I'm glad to have tried this. 


Elephant's Child said...

Do you think you will use the technique again?

Sandra Cox said...

Good for you. I think changing our writing routine gives our brain some fresh air.