- Book Becoming a Movie in 2019: The Rosie Project--Graeme Simsion
- Book That Makes You Nostalgic: Play Me--Laura Ruby
- Book Written by a Musician (Fiction or Nonfiction): Me--Elton John
- Book You Think Should be Turned Into a Movie: You Know Where to Find Me--Rachel Cohn
- Book With at Least One Million Ratings on Goodreads: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe--C.S. Lewis
- Book With a Plant in the Title or on the Cover: The Holy Forest--Robin Blaser
- Reread of a Favorite Book: Silver Linings Playbook--Matthew Quick
- Book About a Hobby (Blogging): Click Here--Denise Vega
- Book You Meant to Read in 2018: The Sun is Also a Star--Nicola Yoon
- Book With "Pop," "Sugar," or "Challenge" in the Title: Sugar and Spice--Fern Michaels & others
- Book With an Item of Clothing or Accessory on the Cover: Prom & Prejudice--Elizabeth Eulberg
- Inspired by Mythology, Legend or Folklore: Red Earth and Pouring Rain--Vikram Chandra
- Published Posthumously: When Breath Becomes Air--Paul Kalinithi
- Book You See Someone Reading on TV or in a Movie: A Confederacy of Dunces--John Kennedy Toole
- Retelling of a Classic: Vinegar Girl--Anne Tyler
- Book With a Question in the Title: Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?--Roz Chast
- Set on a College or University Campus: The Female Persuasion--Meg Wolitzer
- About Someone With a Superpower: Wolfsbane--Andrea Cremer
- Book Told From Multiple Character POVs: Hello, Universe--Erin Entrada Kelly
- Set in Space: Illuminae--Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
- By Two Female Authors: Mine Are Spectacular!--Janice Kaplan & Lynn Schnurnberger
- Title that Contains "Salty," "Sweet," "Bitter" or "Spicy": These Are Not Sweet Girls--Marjorie Agosin (ed.)
- Set in Scandinavia: Odd and the Frost Giants--Neil Gaiman
- Takes Place in a Single Day: Ulysses--James Joyce
- Debut Novel: Still Life--Louise Penny
- Book Published in 2019: Opposite of Always--Justin A. Reynolds
- Featuring an Extinct or Imaginary Culture: Phoebe and Her Unicorn--Dana Simpson
- Recommended by a Celebrity You Admire: Miracle's Boys--Jacqueline Woodson
- Book with "Love" in the Title: Hard Love--Ellen Wittlinger
- Book Featuring an Amateur Detective: A Painted House--John Grisham
- Book About a Family: The Gangster We Are All Looking For--Le Thi Diem Thuy
- Written by an Author from Asia, Africa, or South America: The Neighborhood--Mario Vargas Llosa
- Zodiac Sign or Astrology Term in the Title: Astral Weeks--Ryan H. Walsh
- Book That Includes a Wedding: Save the Date--Mary Kay Andrews
- By an Author Whose First and Last Name Start with the Same Letter: The Saturdays--Elizabeth Enright
- A Ghost Story: The Guests on South Battery--Karen White
- Two-Word Title: Cat Running--Zilpha Keatley Snyder
- Novel Based on A True Story: Journey to Topaz--Yoshiko Uchida
- Book Revolving Around a Puzzle or Game: The Mysterious Benedict Society--Trenton Lee Stewart
- Your Favorite Prompt from a Past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge (Mental Health): An Unquiet Mind--Kay Redfield Jamison
- "Cli-Fi" (climate fiction) Book: Life As We Knew It--Susan Beth Pfeffer
- "Choose Your Own Adventure" Book: The Magic of the Unicorn--Deborah Lerme Goodman
- An #OwnVoices Book: Lies We Tell Ourselves--Robin Talley
- Read a Book During the Season it is Set In: The High Tide Club--Mary Kay Andrews
- A LitRPG Book: How to Train Your Dragon--Cressida Cowell
- Book with No Chapters/Unusual Chapter Headings/Unconventionally Numbered Chapters: The ImprobableTheory of Ana and Zak--Brian Katcher
- Two Books That Share the Same Title (1): All That Glitters--Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez
- Two Books That Share the Same Title (2): All That Glitters--Lisa Ann Scott
- Book that has Inspired a Common Phrase or Idiom (e.g., Big Brother from 1984): The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde--Robert Louis Stevenson
- Book set in an Abbey, Cloister, Monastery, Vicarage or Convent: The Heretic's Apprentice--Ellis Peters
Challenge completed On December 5
I am constantly blown away by just how many reading challenges there are.
I am enjoying this one and look forward to doing it next year as well.
Thanks for listing as the challenges.
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